Blogs - 20231029 - Yoswit Smart Building Solution @ Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2023

Blogs - 20231029 - Yoswit Smart Building Solution @ Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2023

YOSWIT continued its previous success and staged as a major exhibitor with three themed sections at the Hall 1D. They included the smart lighting, smart living, Smart Access Control & Smart Property Management to cater different industry needs...

Blogs - 20230919 - Yoswit @ Shanghai Smart Home Technology 2023

Blogs - 20230919 - Yoswit @ Shanghai Smart Home Technology 2023

Thank you for visiting our booth...

News - Exhibitions - 20230916 - Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2023

News - Exhibitions - 20230916 - Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2023

We cordially invite you to visit us in the coming exhibitions.Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2023, 27 - 30 October, Hong Kong..

Blog - 20230324 - 嶺勤科技榮獲國家高新技術企業證書

Blog - 20230324 - 嶺勤科技榮獲國家高新技術企業證書

經過一系列部門專家評審,視頻路演,線上辯答等嚴謹的審核流程,本公司的後裝式智能家居/智能酒店方案成功獲取國家高新技術企業證書。 非常感謝各部門對本公司項目的支持和認可,我們將虛心接納評審對我們項目的意見,在日後開發智能家居/酒店產品下,務求精益求精。..

Blogs - 20220323 - Yoswit @ 旺角千望價單料周三公布 預告首推30伙

Blogs - 20220323 - Yoswit @ 旺角千望價單料周三公布 預告首推30伙

由遠洋集團發展的旺角煙廠街新盤千望已上載樓書,預告快公布千望價單1號,首張價單涉及30伙,參考九龍區新盤定價。遠洋集團香港常務副總經理楊樂宇指,千望價單會盡快公布,首批將涵蓋30個單位。千望將於明天將開放示範單位予公眾參觀。千望共83伙,包括26伙172至203平方呎開放式單位、39伙227至281平方呎1房單位、8伙318至319平方呎1房連書房單位及10伙151至295平方呎特色單位。遠洋集團助理銷售總監王維榮指,千望定價方面將參考九龍區一手樓盤價格,最快5月初開售,並針對年輕客群。他認為最近新盤市場熱鬧,不乏排長龍睇樓情況。千望單位配備多項智能設施及高級家電,其中包括法國品牌De Die..

Blogs - 20220323- Yoswit @ 第21屆香港國際秋季燈飾展(秋燈展)

Blogs - 20220323- Yoswit @ 第21屆香港國際秋季燈飾展(秋燈展)


Blogs - 20220322 - Yoswit @ 點止地產咁簡單 港樓融合科技創意多

Blogs - 20220322 - Yoswit @ 點止地產咁簡單 港樓融合科技創意多

 香港樓除了貴之外,近年本港地產科技創新亦領先全球,不少發展商擲重金投入研發,為地產項目注入眾多科技元素,在睇樓、賣樓、物業管理及智能家居等多個方面,都取得一定成績,令住戶生活質素進一步提升。 智能物管 近年物業管理界最時髦的法寶,首推智能機械人。去年由帝國集團、香港小輪(050)合作的屯門青山公路新盤帝禦‧星濤,成為全港首個住宅項目引入智能機械人禮賓專員——「智禦iRoyale」。據恒基物業代理有限公司營業(一)部總經理林達民介紹,帝禦‧星濤的住客會所引入「智禦iRoyale」兩位智能禮賓專員Sunny和Rainbow,它們將在會所大堂候命,以互動形式提供會所指南、各項設施之即時資..

Blogs - 20201221 - Yoswit @ Build4Asia 2020

Blogs - 20201221 - Yoswit @ Build4Asia 2020

Thank you for visiting our booth. YOSWIT now partners with Urmet to provide the total smart building solution. We continued our previous success and staged as a major exhibitor with four themed sections at Hall 1D. They included smart lighting and smart living to cater to different industry nee..

Blog - 20201214 - YOSWIT Won Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020: Smart Mobility (Smart Tourism) Award

Blog - 20201214 - YOSWIT Won Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020: Smart Mobility (Smart Tourism) Award

 The Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020 (the Awards) presentation ceremony was broadcasted online today (December 4). With our work "YoStay YoStay Smart Stay Solution", we won the Bronze Award in the "Smart Tourism" project...

Blog - 20201207 - 嶺勤科技榮獲第九屆中國創新創業大賽一等獎

Blog - 20201207 - 嶺勤科技榮獲第九屆中國創新創業大賽一等獎


Blog - 20201029 - 嶺勤科技榮獲江門市留學歸國人員創新創業唯一重點項目資助

Blog - 20201029 - 嶺勤科技榮獲江門市留學歸國人員創新創業唯一重點項目資助


Blogs - 20200228 -  Yoswit Are Now On Amazon Alexa's Platform

Blogs - 20200228 - Yoswit Are Now On Amazon Alexa's Platform

After serval integrations and developments, Yoswit can now be found on Amazon Alexa's platform...

News - 20200125 - InnoCell is projected to open at the end of 2020

News - 20200125 - InnoCell is projected to open at the end of 2020

The Smart Home and Smart Access Control Projects of InnoCell were awarded to Yoswit in September last year. InnoCell is a smart living and co-creation building for residential and commercial use. It is believed that InnoCell will become the smartest building in Hong Kong and Yoswit is taking pa..

News - Exhibitions - 20191016 - Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2019

News - Exhibitions - 20191016 - Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2019

We cordially invite you to visit us in the coming exhibitions.Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2019, 27 - 30 October, Hong Kong..

Blogs - 20190812 - Yoswit @ HKSTP Industry Connect X The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers

Blogs - 20190812 - Yoswit @ HKSTP Industry Connect X The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers

Thank you for the time to visit our booth. Do remember we also participate in the Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2019. For details, please visit

Blogs - 20190326 - Yoswit @ HKSTP Make IT Hong Kong

Blogs - 20190326 - Yoswit @ HKSTP Make IT Hong Kong

Thank you for visiting our booth...

Blogs - 20181127 - Yoswit @ Shanghai Smart Home Technology 2018

Blogs - 20181127 - Yoswit @ Shanghai Smart Home Technology 2018

Thank you for visiting our booth...

Blogs - 201811127 - Yoswit Smart Lighting Solution @ Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2018

Blogs - 201811127 - Yoswit Smart Lighting Solution @ Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2018

Thank you for visiting our booth. YOSWIT continued its previous success and staged as a major exhibitor with two themed sections at the Hall of Aurora. They included the smart lighting and smart living to cater different industry needs...

Blogs - 20180820 - Yoswit @ UBS Smart Home/Office & Manufacturing 4.0 Expo

Blogs - 20180820 - Yoswit @ UBS Smart Home/Office & Manufacturing 4.0 Expo

Thank you for the time to visit our booth. Do remember we also participate in the Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2018. For details, please visit

Blogs - 20180820 - Yoswit @ Hong Kong International Airport "Smart Living" Display

Blogs - 20180820 - Yoswit @ Hong Kong International Airport "Smart Living" Display

The display area is near Gate 30 in Hong Kong International Airport...

Showing -19 to 0 of 53 (3 Pages)

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